We got our crib delivered today! We are still waiting on the dresser to come. Michael's grandparents (on his Dad's side) ordered these for us while we were visiting them last week. It is such a huge blessing! I can't wait to get them set up. The crib is really heavy...I got it in the door and that is where it is going to stay until Michael gets home. I will post pictures when we get it all set up, but it probably won't be until we get back from our Seattle trip. :)
Monday, December 9, 2013
26 Weeks
Baby Size: A head of lettuce
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good lately.
Clothes: I wear mostly maternity clothes now.
Cravings: Special K Cereal, Pizza, Chocolate chip cookies
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain, leg cramps
Exercise: Not much this last week
Movement: She is like a little ninja. She has been getting in some good rib kicks as well.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: Being on the smaller side. I feel like my body can't stretch anymore. :/
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: We have had a lot going on this last week. We went to North Carolina for Thanksgiving last week, and now we are getting ready for our trip to Seattle for Christmas.
I had my glucose screening a few days ago...I didn't like it. The orange stuff they made me drink was nasty. It made my stomach upset, and made me feel all jittery. Apparently, it is really important to get your blood drawn exactly an hour after you finish the gross drink...there is a 5 minute grace period. Well I guess the ladies in the office forgot that I was there (I was the only person there), and they almost missed the window. I was 1 minute away from having to redo the stupid test...I would have been so mad.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
24 Weeks
Baby Size: A cantaloupe
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good.
Clothes: I wear mostly maternity clothes now.
Cravings: Fruit, Special K Cereal, Pizza
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain, leg cramps
Exercise: Walking, Riding my stationary bike
Movement: She likes to move in the middle of the night.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: A good night sleep, and being able to sneeze without almost peeing my pants.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: Not a lot has been happening this past week. Just everyday normal life :)
Friday, November 15, 2013
22 Weeks!
Baby Size: A papaya
Sleep: It takes forever for me to fall asleep. Lately our littlest dog has decided that I need practice getting up multiple times in the middle of the night. Last night he got me up 3 times...I was so irritated.
Clothes: I have been wearing some maternity shirts and some of my bigger shirts, and mostly maternity pants because they are way more comfortable. I just ordered some more clothes from Old Navy and they should be here in a couple days. It is almost impossible to find maternity clothes in stores...it has been so frustrating.
Cravings: Fruit, Special K Cereal
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain
Exercise: Walking
Movement: She is moving more and more every day. She likes to move a lot in the middle of the night. I am almost positive she had the hiccups last night. Last week my mom was able to feel her move.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: A good night sleep, and being able to sneeze without almost peeing my pants.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: Not a lot has been happening this past week. Just everyday normal life :)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
20 Week Ultrasound
Here are some pictures from the ultrasound we had a couple of weeks ago! I believe at this point they said she was 6.5 inches long, and weighed about 13 oz.
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This is the best picture of her face that we could get. She really liked to sit with her arms crossed in front of her face. |
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This was another attempt to get a picture of her little face. |
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Her little foot! |
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Confirmation that she really is a little girl :) |
Monday, November 11, 2013
A Name!
Well we think that we have picked out a name for our sweet little munchkin...a first name at least. I am going to be honest and say that at first I thought that she would never have a name. Michael and I could never agree on any names...girls names that is. We had boys names picked out, but she turned out to be a girl. He would veto every name that I suggested, and after a while I became pretty frustrated. So at dinner one night we both came up with name picking guidelines/stipulations, I guess you could say.
I just had one stipulation and that was her name had to be some what unique/not too common. I just didn't want her to go to school and have 5 other kids with the same name in her class...both Michael and I dealt with that when we were in school.
Michael stipulations were that the name couldn't be after a plant, flower, or stone, and that it had to have a normal spelling...it has to be spelled like it sounds.
So after much deliberation we have decided to name her Natalie :)
Now we just have to come up with a middle name.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
21 Weeks
Baby Size: A pomegranate
Sleep: It takes forever for me to fall asleep, and I don't really sleep that well once I do fall asleep. I am just so uncomfortable.
Clothes: I have been wearing some maternity shirts and some of my bigger shirts. I still wear some of my normal jeans with a belly band, but I prefer to wear maternity jeans (they are so much more comfortable)
Cravings: Fruit
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain
Exercise: Riding my stationary bike and walking
Movement: She likes to move randomly.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: A good night sleep, and being able to sneeze without almost peeing my pants.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and it went great! Her heart rate was 149 beats per minute. They started to measure my belly. It measured 21 inches, which is right on track. I had to get the TDap shot and my arm is pretty sore. I hate getting shots, but I think that I should be good for awhile.
Friday, November 1, 2013
20 Weeks
I am a little bit behind this week...This picture is 20 weeks and 6 days.
Baby Size: A banana
Sleep: It takes forever for me to fall asleep, but once I do I sleep like a rock.
Clothes: I have been wearing some maternity shirts and some of my bigger shirts.
Cravings: None this week
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain
Exercise: Riding my stationary bike and walking
Movement: She likes to move a lot around 4pm and then again around 10pm
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: We had an ultrasound this last Tuesday. It went great! I will do a post more about the ultrasound, and put up some pictures later. Yesterday was my birthday, and we celebrated by going out to dinner! It was a great birthday!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
19 Weeks
Baby Size: A Mango
Sleep: It takes forever for me to fall asleep, but once I do I sleep like a rock.
Clothes: I have been wearing some maternity shirts and some of my bigger shirts. Today I put on a pair of maternity jeans...they were a little bit big, but I just wanted to be comfortable.
Cravings: Pizza
Aversions: I still don't like to eat a lot of ground beef, but I am able to stomach it a lot better now.
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain, and I have been really itchy.
Exercise: Riding my stationary bike and walking
Movement: She likes to move in the late afternoon, and when I sit down at night. She moves more and more every day.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: I think we finally picked out a name for her, but we aren't quite sharing it yet. :) This week I start another new job, giving flu shots. It is only a few hours, but I am kind of excited about it! The job that I had last week was the most awful experience of my life. It was definitely an unsafe environment, and I chose not to go back the next day. Hopefully this week will go better!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
18 Weeks
Baby Size: A Sweet Potato
Sleep: I haven't been sleeping that great...mostly due to my back hurting.
Clothes: I had to buy a couple maternity shirts/normal shirts in bigger sizes this last week. I just needed something that was a little bit longer.
Cravings: Pizza
Aversions: I still don't like to eat a lot of ground beef, but I am able to stomach it a lot better now.
Symptoms: Heart burn and back pain
Exercise: Riding my stationary bike
Movement: She likes to move in the late afternoon, and when I sit down at night.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: Yesterday was our 4th Anniversary! We went out to dinner at a nice Italian place, and then spent the rest of the evening relaxing at home. Today I have my first official job as a Nurse! I am kind of nervous, but I think it is mostly due to the fact that I have no idea what to expect.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
17 Weeks
Baby Size: An Onion
Sleep: Once I actually fall asleep, I sleep really good. If I wake up in the middle of the night it takes forever to fall back asleep.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I pretty much have to wear my belly band all the time. I think I may be needing to get some bigger shirts in the near future. My expanding belly, means I can't pull them down as far as I use to.
Cravings: Canned mandarin oranges
Aversions: I still don't like to eat a lot of ground beef, but I am able to stomach it a lot better now.
Symptoms: Heart burn and my skin is really itchy
Exercise: Walking
Movement: She likes to move in the late afternoon, and when I sit down at night.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: I had a doctor's appointment Tuesday. Her heart rate was 156 bpm, and she was pretty wiggly. We have our next ultrasound on October 29th. We can't wait to see how she has grown!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
16 Weeks
Baby Size: An Avocado
Weight: ?? I feel pretty large this week, so I made the decision not to weigh myself.
Sleep: I have been sleeping fine.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I pretty much have to wear my belly band all the time.
Cravings: No cravings this week
Aversions: Ground beef
Symptoms: I still have been having some crazy dreams, and heart burn
Exercise: This week I have been walking
Movement: I am pretty sure I have been feeling her move this week. It kind of feels like a gas bubble, but is definitely different than actually having gas. lol.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: We found out we are having a girl! We have started to research some of the things that we want to get for her. Michael has asked to pick out her car seat and stroller. :) I have been researching what kind of cloth diapers we want to use...this is kind of an overwhelming task...there are so many to choose from. I think that I may have finally narrowed it down.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
First Glimpse Ultrasound
On Friday, we went downtown to have an ultrasound in hopes to find out if we are having a girl or a boy! There is this really cool company, called First Glimpse, that will do an ultrasound to specifically check the gender. They also do 3D ultrasounds further along in pregnancy. So, after about 30 minutes of fighting crossed legs, we found out we are having a....
..... Girl!!!
I have a video of the ultrasound, but I can't figure out how to get it on here. I will have to have Michael help me put it up later. We got a ton of ultrasound pictures...these are some of my favorites.
It's a girl! |
Her little hand |
We are excited to start planning for out little girl's arrival! She apparently is a very mellow baby, and we are hoping she stays like that when she comes out!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
15 Weeks
Baby Size: An Orange
Weight: 125 lb
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I have been using my belly band here and there.
Cravings: No cravings this week
Aversions: Ground beef
Symptoms: I still have been having some crazy dreams. Heart burn...I have heart burn all day, every day...it doesn't matter what I eat. The heart burn has been going on for a few weeks now.
Exercise: This week I have been walking
Movement: None yet
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender, and feeling him/her move.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: I still think it is a girl, but am starting to doubt myself because everyone else thinks that it is boy.
What's been happening: Michael sprained his ankle pretty bad the other day while he was at drill for the Reserves...fun stuff. He is getting better slowly, but surely. On Friday we hopefully will find out the gender of this little one! Our friends told us about this ultrasound place (First Glimpse) downtown where we can go and find out. We didn't want to wait another 6 weeks to find out if we can do it now. We are pretty excited!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
14 Weeks
Baby Size: A Lemon
Weight: ? Some days it feels to depressing to weigh myself. lol.
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good for the most part. I have been needing at least 9 hours of sleep to function at normal capacity.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I have been using my belly band here and there.
Cravings: This week I have been craving bread again.
Aversions: Beef
Symptoms: I have been having some crazy dreams lately...like 3 or 4 a night....they are just weird.
Exercise: I either go on a walk or ride my stationary bike
Movement: None yet
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender, and feeling him/her move.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: ?
What's been happening: Nothing special has happened so far this week. We both have been working, and doing things around the house.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
13 Weeks
13 Weeks
Baby size: A Peach
How far along: 13 weeks
Weight: 124 lbs
Sleep: I actually sleep pretty well. I will sometime wake up in the middle of the night, but not too much lately.
Clothes: My regular clothes are still fitting. Sometimes I have to undo the button.
Cravings: This week it is breakfast foods...like pancakes and waffles. And chunky peanut butter.
Aversions: Beef
Symptoms: Not too many symptoms, aside from my pants getting a little tight.
Exercise: I try to ride my stationary bike every morning. Sometimes that doesn't happen.
Movement: None so far
What I’m looking forward too: Finding out if it is a boy or girl. Having a real baby bump....right now I just look chunky.
What I miss: Being able to eat cheeseburgers.
Gender: ? I think it is going to be a girl, and Michael thinks it will be a boy.
What's been happening: I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and we were able to listen to the heart beat. It was 168 beats per minute, and very strong. Our little one was being very cooperative...hopefully he or she will be that way when they come out!
6 Weeks
6 Weeks
I can't really remember this far back, but my mom really wanted me to put this up. I will be a lot better at it from now on.
Baby size: A Blueberry
How far along: 6 weeks
Weight: ?
Sleep: I would wake up at least 2 times a night to pee, so safe to say I wasn't sleeping too well.
Clothes: My regular clothes were definitely still fitting at this point.
Cravings: Bread
Aversions: ?
Symptoms: I felt a tad nauseous for like a week, and then that went away. I was so so tired, so I took a lot of naps.
Exercise: Non-existant at this point.
Movement: None
What I’m looking forward too: Finding out if it is a boy or girl
What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night without having to pee.
Gender: ?
What's been happening: Michael's brother and sister were here visiting, as well as my Aunt, Uncle and cousins.
Surprise Visit!
Last week my Nana and Papa surprised us with a visit! It was so much fun, and so good to see them after such a long time!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Exciting News!
We have some very exciting news to share with everyone!
We could not be more excited! This baby has been wanted for quite some time!
I had my first doctors appointment last week, and we got to see our little one. It was so amazing!
So this ultrasound is at 9 weeks!
Our due date is March 15th.
Pikes Peak
Michael's sister, Ana, turned 16 while they were here. She wanted to go to Pikes Peak for her birthday, so we made the trip up there!
The is the exact spot that we got engaged in almost 4 years ago. |
Brian's foot picture |
Michael's foot picture |
Tate's foot picture |
My Mom :) |
Brian jumping from high places...I chose not to be around while they were doing this...it made me way to nervous. |
Ana and her cake! |
The day after we got home from North Carolina, my Aunt and cousins from Washington arrived! My Uncle came a few days later. We had a ton of fun with them!
We decided to go Frisbee golfing one day, while they were here!
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