Monday, November 11, 2013

A Name!

Well we think that we have picked out a name for our sweet little munchkin...a first name at least. I am going to be honest and say that at first I thought that she would never have a name. Michael and I could never agree on any names...girls names that is. We had boys names picked out, but she turned out to be a girl. He would veto every name that I suggested, and after a while I became pretty frustrated. So at dinner one night we both came up with name picking guidelines/stipulations, I guess you could say.

I just had one stipulation and that was her name had to be some what unique/not too common. I just didn't want her to go to school and have 5 other kids with the same name in her class...both Michael and I dealt with that when we were in school.

Michael stipulations were that the name couldn't be after a plant, flower, or stone, and that it had to have a normal has to be spelled like it sounds. 

So after much deliberation we have decided to name her Natalie :)

Now we just have to come up with a middle name.

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