Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6 Weeks

6 Weeks

I can't really remember this far back, but my mom really wanted me to put this up. I will be a lot better at it from now on. 

Baby size: A Blueberry
How far along: 6 weeks
Weight: ?
Sleep: I would wake up at least 2 times a night to pee, so safe to say I wasn't sleeping too well.
Clothes: My regular clothes were definitely still fitting at this point.
Cravings: Bread
Aversions: ?
Symptoms: I felt a tad nauseous for like a week, and then that went away. I was so so tired, so I took a lot of naps.
Exercise: Non-existant at this point.
Movement: None
What I’m looking forward too: Finding out if it is a boy or girl
What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night without having to pee.  
Gender: ?
What's been happening: Michael's brother and sister were here visiting, as well as my Aunt, Uncle and cousins.

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