Thursday, September 19, 2013

14 Weeks

Baby Size: A Lemon
Weight: ? Some days it feels to depressing to weigh myself. lol.
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good for the most part. I have been needing at least 9 hours of sleep to function at normal capacity.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I have been using my belly band here and there.
Cravings: This week I have been craving bread again. 
Aversions: Beef
Symptoms: I have been having some crazy dreams 3 or 4 a night....they are just weird. 
Exercise: I either go on a walk or ride my stationary bike
Movement: None yet
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender, and feeling him/her move.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: ?
What's been happening: Nothing special has happened so far this week. We both have been working,  and doing things around the house. 

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