Friday, November 15, 2013

22 Weeks!

Baby Size: A papaya
Sleep: It takes forever for me to fall asleep. Lately our littlest dog has decided that I need practice getting up multiple times in the middle of the night. Last night he got me up 3 times...I was so irritated. 
Clothes: I have been wearing some maternity shirts and some of my bigger shirts, and mostly maternity pants because they are way more comfortable. I just ordered some more clothes from Old Navy and they should be here in a couple days. It is almost impossible to find maternity clothes in has been so frustrating.
Cravings: Fruit, Special K Cereal
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain
Exercise: Walking
Movement: She is moving more and more every day. She likes to move a lot in the middle of the night. I am almost positive she had the hiccups last night. Last week my mom was able to feel her move. 
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: A good night sleep, and being able to sneeze without almost peeing my pants.
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: Not a lot has been happening this past week. Just everyday normal life :)

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