Monday, December 9, 2013

26 Weeks

Baby Size: A head of lettuce 
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good lately.
Clothes: I wear mostly maternity clothes now.
Cravings: Special K Cereal, Pizza, Chocolate chip cookies
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, back pain, leg cramps
Exercise: Not much this last week
Movement: She is like a little ninja. She has been getting in some good rib kicks as well.
What I'm looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and meeting our little girl.
What I miss: Being on the smaller side. I feel like my body can't stretch anymore. :/
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: We have had a lot going on this last week. We went to North Carolina for Thanksgiving last week, and now we are getting ready for our trip to Seattle for Christmas. 
I had my glucose screening a few days ago...I didn't like it. The orange stuff they made me drink was nasty. It made my stomach upset, and made me feel all jittery. Apparently, it is really important to get your blood drawn exactly an hour after you finish the gross drink...there is a 5 minute grace period. Well I guess the ladies in the office forgot that I was there (I was the only person there), and they almost missed the window. I was 1 minute away from having to redo the stupid test...I would have been so mad. 

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