Wednesday, September 25, 2013

15 Weeks

Baby Size: An Orange
Weight: 125 lb
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good.
Clothes: I am still in my regular clothes, but I have been using my belly band here and there.
Cravings: No cravings this week
Aversions: Ground beef
Symptoms: I still have been having some crazy dreams. Heart burn...I have heart burn all day, every doesn't matter what I eat. The heart burn has been going on for a few weeks now.
Exercise: This week I have been walking
Movement: None yet
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender, and feeling him/her move.
What I miss: Having my clothes fit right.
Gender: I still think it is a girl, but am starting to doubt myself because everyone else thinks that it is boy.
What's been happening: Michael sprained his ankle pretty bad the other day while he was at drill for the stuff. He is getting better slowly, but surely. On Friday we hopefully will find out the gender of this little one! Our friends told us about this ultrasound place (First Glimpse) downtown where we can go and find out. We didn't want to wait another 6 weeks to find out if we can do it now. We are pretty excited!

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