Baby Size: A Pumpkin
Sleep: I don't sleep well at all...I think I got up like 4 times last night.
Clothes: I wear mostly maternity clothes.
Cravings: None this week
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, super exhausted, swollen everything
Exercise: Walking
Movement: She moves quite often
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little girl
What I miss: Being able to see my feet
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: This last week was my last week working, and it was quite the relief. I was so ready to be done.
I also had a doctors appointment on Friday, and it went way longer than blood pressure was way too high (160/100), and I was so swollen everywhere...but my doctor didn't even address that, which I thought was weird. My blood pressure is back to normal now...I have been checking it every day, I guess that's the nurse in me. lol But anyways...I had to do a biophysical profile because the day before she hadn't been moving as much. So we get in the little room and they hook me up to the machine, and then they leave us in there. The lady came in like 30 minutes later, and the machine had apparently never started working. So she took us into the ultrasound room while someone looked at the machine. We ended up being in the ultrasound room forever because our precious girl didn't want to wake up. They had to bring this thing in that looked and sounded like a taser. When she put it up to my belly it would vibrate, so essentially it was suppose to be a baby alarm clock. But, she still didn't want to wake up, so after a lot of turning from my back to my side several times the lady got what she needed. We headed back to the other room and sat in there for another 25 minutes to redo the first part. The lady came in like every 5 minutes because she was paranoid that the machine wasn't going to work again.
But after all that, the good news is that baby Natalie is completely fine. :)
I bet that was a little scary! Start walking like crazy up stairs! Get her out quick! :)