Friday, February 14, 2014

35 Weeks

Baby Size: A Coconut
Sleep: I have been sleeping okay...I slept on the couch a couple nights this week because I can be more elevated. I have been battling a nasty cold and have been having a super hard time breathing. 
Clothes: I wear mostly maternity clothes now.
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Symptoms: Heart burn, super exhausted
Exercise: Walking 
Movement: She moves all the time!
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little girl
What I miss: Being able to see my feet
Gender: It's a girl!
What's been happening: I have been pretty sick this last week...have a super nasty cough and the sniffles. Baby Natalie has dropped quite a bit, so maybe (and hopefully lol) she will be gracing us with her presence a little sooner than we thought. Aside from having a cold, I have been able to breathe a lot better since she dropped. It is looking like this next week is going to be my last week working as a school nurse. I really liked the job, but I am ready to be at home getting ready for Natalie. 

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to meet our little Natalie-girl, but I must admit, I am going to miss seeing that belly. I love looking at the baby growing inside my "baby"!
