Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Another House Update!

We have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks with school, work, and life. Next Thursday I will officially be done with college. I have two finals, and one presentation left. I can't wait for it to be over. A lot of progress has been made on our house the last couple of weeks. We couldn't be more excited.

We have a front door!

Starting on our roof.

A couple of weekends ago we took Gibson to the dog park for the first time. He was a little apprehensive. He really just wanted to be by Michael and I, or right next to Moose. Moose of course loved be at the dog park as usual. 

More Backyard

There is siding! Most of the roof is done now, even though it isn't in this picture.

Most of the house is insulated now.

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