Saturday, November 15, 2014

8 Months

Well I didn't get around to doing a 7 month post, but here is her 8 month one!

Natalie loves...

her doggies (especially their tails and collars)
being mobile

Natalie dislikes...
not being able to see Mommy
being hungry
being bored
when Mommy and Daddy have food and don't share

Natalie's Milestones:

Crawling! She started this's still kind of a half scoot.
She says Mama!
Around 15.5 lbs
9 Month Clothes
Size 2 diapers...amy need to go to 3's soon. I really am trying to be better about cloth diapering too.

Natalie is such a sweet baby...terrible sleeper though. I am pretty worn out from not having a good night sleep the last 8 months. She has finally started to drop her night time feeding, which is helping. She still wakes up a couple time a night though needing one thing or another...I am pretty sure teething isn't helping matters.

Here are some pictures from the last couple months or so....

Sneaky Gibson stealing her cracker

Cruising...she loves this thing.

First fruit smoothie

This kid is so funny...she did this all on her own...Michael handed her the paper because she like to crinkle it, but instead she opened it up like she was reading it. :)

Showing off the pumpkin hat Auntie Zoe made her

Natalie and her buddy, Parker :)