Monday, July 21, 2014

Photo Dump

Here are some pictures over the last month...
Natalie's new friends :)

Playing games on Father's Day :)

Natalie can't fall asleep unless she has something snuggled up to her face.

Fell asleep while I was mowing the lawn

Having fun in the jumper!

Gibson loves her :)

Scooted herself into a nap

Gibson and his baby :)

She sat for like 15 seconds on her own!

Nap time :)

Scooted herself into another nap :)

The dogs watching Natalie eat

New swim suit!

Getting ready for a nap 

First Food

When we were at the doctor's the other day she told us that we could start Natalie on some solid foods. Natalie definitely seemed ready for it. She watches us eat and grabs at things. We started her off on some rice cereal.
First taste of food! She seemed to like it.

She grabbed the spoon from me and decided to chew on it.

She tried carrots and liked them! She is kind of hard to feed because she is constantly trying to grab the spoon and putting her hands in her mouth. 

4 Months

Natalie 4 months old now! Time is going by so quickly and she is getting so big! 

I got this jumper for $20...they are normally $100. She absolutely loves it!

1st successful nap in her crib

1st time "playing" frisbee golf

She just kills me with cuteness

Natalie's first pair of sunglasses....she thought she was pretty cool stuff.

Bath time is her favorite

She loves her bumbo
Natalie is such a happy baby (most of the time. lol). She loves to move, and gets frustrated when she can't. She figured out how to scoot on her back a couple of weeks ago. She rolls over from her tummy to her back (she has been doing that for about a month and a half now), and is so close to rolling from her back to tummy. She "talks" to us all the time, and had her first real giggle fit the other day. I think she was laughing at the dogs...they always put a smile on her face. 

Natalie likes: 
Going on walks/being in her stroller
Moose and Gibson
Standing up
Car rides

Natalie dislikes: 
Being hungry
Being bored
Not being able to move
Not being able to see Mommy

Natalie is:
13lbs 10.5oz
23.5 inches 
wearing 3 month clothes, but is starting to transition into some 6 month
in size 2 diapers, she just moved out of 1's this last week