Natalie 4 months old now! Time is going by so quickly and she is getting so big!
I got this jumper for $20...they are normally $100. She absolutely loves it! |
1st successful nap in her crib |
1st time "playing" frisbee golf |
She just kills me with cuteness |
Natalie's first pair of sunglasses....she thought she was pretty cool stuff. |
Bath time is her favorite |
She loves her bumbo |
Natalie is such a happy baby (most of the time. lol). She loves to move, and gets frustrated when she can't. She figured out how to scoot on her back a couple of weeks ago. She rolls over from her tummy to her back (she has been doing that for about a month and a half now), and is so close to rolling from her back to tummy. She "talks" to us all the time, and had her first real giggle fit the other day. I think she was laughing at the dogs...they always put a smile on her face.
Natalie likes:
Going on walks/being in her stroller
Moose and Gibson
Standing up
Car rides
Natalie dislikes:
Being hungry
Being bored
Not being able to move
Not being able to see Mommy
Natalie is:
13lbs 10.5oz
23.5 inches
wearing 3 month clothes, but is starting to transition into some 6 month
in size 2 diapers, she just moved out of 1's this last week